okei, berbalik pada tajuk yg ambe dah post bagi tuk post kalini - dat is why i hate dubai
n berbalik pade 2 post ambe sebelum ni, :
1.Dubai oh Dubai
2. Islamic Country become the New Vegas..
post kali ketiga ni adelah tuk mempersoalkan n mengutuk sekerasnye urban planning di Dubai.. urmm..pernah ambe katekan pada kawan ambe : Dubai antara tanda2 kiamat terbesar in terms of Built Environment field..
segala megaproject yang Dubai nak wat, dah pon ambe terangkan di 2nd post pasai Dubai before dis (Islamic country become the new vegas), n kalini ambe just nak mempersoalkan satu megaprojek di negara Islam ni : STORYTELLER / giant statue..
statue means berhala..
wahhh~~Dubai..oh Dubai, ape sebenarnye yg korang nak kejar ni.. the best+modern+futuristis coutry in da world? nak buktikan bahawa negara padang pasir n negara Islam mampu bergerak n maju setanding negara barat? melalui planning n architecture ? urhh~~dubai..owh dubai..
the hakawati or storyteller... : (http://www.q80s.com/the-storyteller-giant-statue-project-in-dubai/)

Al hakawati “The Storyteller” is a new Giant Statue project in Dubai at the Zabeel Park. The idea is that all around the park, there will be speakers so people can listen to the statue when he recites stories.
Al hakawati contain stairs which leads to go inside him. There are also windows punctuates various stairs for a bright indoor environment without any direct sunlight. The statue also has big rooms inside of it for reading, relaxing and other social activities.
how big dis satue!!!jin mane plak yg akan jaga berhala ni~~
in every part of the park, small speakers will be set up so people can gather around them and listen to the statue when he recites stories; perhaps great legends from one thousand and one night, historical anecdotes from the city itself and future speculations, all this performed with an animated body language.
so, wat is the function of that statue? tuk bercerita tuk nengok Dubai skyline? perlukah patung sebesar tu tuk menyampaikan cerita? ahh~~banyak lagi altenatif len yg leh dibuat tuk sampaikan cerita.. yes! hakawati, the name of dat statue, respect the culture of Arab people, (the famous 1: 1001 nights), but the implementation of that statue against the Islamic principle + values.. dat is wat people called as Muslim architecture, but not Islamic architecture..pastu, patung tu akan dipasang ngan speaker, bukanke leh bagi noise pollution?
1 thing, perluke bendalah berbentuk orang tuk ngk dubai skyline? nop~~ u have various skycrappers, highest building in world, perlu lagi ke bangunan tinggi tuk ngk scenic view of ur city? nop~~tak perlu pon...bentuk manusia plak tu~~ dubai.. owh dubai.. i'm not professional but i know the limitation..
al-burj, bgunan tertinggi di dunia yg diagung2 kan tu pon ntah brapa kali dah dipanah petir.. dubai, udah2 la tu..dah ckup mem'bangun' dah.. if that statue dibina kat negara barat, dominated by Christians or Jews, i dun care.. doesnt mean 'i dun care', tpi doang mmg dah begitu, n ajaran doang begitu.. n landscape culture di barat memang certain approach memang letak patung ntah pe2..but dis is islamic country.. liberal kah? ntah..~~
berhala di batu caves tu pon ambe ngk dah sakit ati, apatah lagi kali statue yg dibina di Dubai, yg rata2 nya adalah Muslim, pastu largest statue plak tu.. cmane plak sakit ati ambe ni..adus la..
Tidak akan datang kiamat sehingga manusia mula berlumba-lumba membina pencakar langit. Bagaimana pula jika pancakar langit itu merupakan berhala?
are we ready to go further or we have already gone to far?? jawab sendiri...